miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

WWE News: Cody Rhodes volunteered to be punished by The Rock - The Miz and Maryse promised - Return of The Fink - Talk Trent Baretta

- The Miz and Maryse ex-fighter have announced they are engaged.

Maryse commented on Twitter:

"I'm very happy! I love my child The Miz."

- Howard Finkel, The Fink, climbed back to a WWE ring for presenting the fighting.

This time it was in NXT and recordings both as Brodus Clay Natalya stressed that had been an honor and a dream to be presented by The Fink.

- The WWE is testing the possibility of creating a pre-show of Raw to Youtube or for the implementation of the WWE.

- Trent Baretta has spoken about his firing:

"I was at the bottom.

And I mean the end of everything.

Basically, I was the last.

  But I always had the feeling that I had good fights.

I felt I had one of the best fights every night and people did not even know who he was. "

- According WrestlingObserver, Cody Rhodes volunteered to participate in the segment with The Rock at the end of Monday's Raw.

It was his idea to go out and get the Rock Bottom and People's Elbow.

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