sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2012

Kaitlyn, weapons expert?? Zack Ryder, Del Rio and the WWE Tribute to the Troops

The Divas and WWE Superstars are in Norfolk, Virginia, sharing with U.S. troops before the recordings from the Norfolk Scope Arena Tenth Anniversary of WWE Tribute to the Troops on Sunday December 9, which will be issued.

On Wednesday, December 19 through Wednesday, USA Network and 22 by NBC.

The beautiful Kaitlyn shared this curious image on his Twitter account (@ KaitlynWWE), before going to shoot, with the message:

"Trust me, I'm an expert."

The Mexican Alberto del Rio shared in his Twitter (@ VivaDelRio), a photograph with his staff announcer Ricardo Rodriguez and Zack Ryder, another in the company of a soldier and another shooting.

Below the photos
Zack Ryder, Alberto del Río y Ricardo Rodríguez en Norfolk, Virginia (7/12/12) / Twitter.com/VivaDelRio

Alberto del Río con miembro de las Tropas de los Estados Unidos en Norfolk, Virginia (7/12/12) / Twitter.com/VivaDelRio

Alberto del Río disparando en compañía de las Tropas de los Estados Unidos (Norfolk, Virginia – 7/12/12) / Twitter.com/VivaDelRio


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