It shows a video where he reviews what happened after the arrival of The Shield in WWE.
WWE TLC 2012: Ryback and Hell No vs. Team. The Shield (Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns).
In WWE TLC 2012: The Case of Money in the Bank for the World Heavyweight Championship in WWE: Dolph Ziggler © vs. John Cena in a fight of stairs.
The Arena is dark ...
Justin Roberts introduces Dolph Ziggler and it appears on a ladder in the center of the ring!
Dolph says he's here to talk about two numbers: 6 and 15.
6, the day of days until TLC and 15 the number of days before Christmas, but for John Cena TLC and Christmas are almost the same because after making cash and lose the Briefcase of Money in the Bank, has failed all opportunities that have been given ...
But, Santa Claus, Mr. McMahon, forced him to put his briefcase at Money in the Bank match this Sunday at TLC against John Cena, but he will silence and finally expire.
Ziggler says that after beating John Cena, will be effective the Briefcase on The Big Show and will become the World Heavyweight Champion of all time.
Sheamus interrupts Dolph Ziggler!
The scenery is full of stairs!
It shows what happened on Friday where The Big Show threw the table where you sign the contract on Sheamus and Big Show signed the contract and caused.
Sheamus tells Ziggler is finally above the rest, congratulations.
Sheamus says Briefcase Money in the Bank cash will have to do, but in it, for this Sunday, in his fight chairs, end to The Big Show.
Sheamus tells Ziggler that after defeating The Big Show, would have to face John Cena if he decides to redeem his briefcase in TLC because Dolph Ziggler misses that can beat Cena.
Makes his entrance to the ring The Big Show!
The Giant tells Sheamus can not take the World Championship.
Show says he has not decided whether or punish brutally knocking a chair pale white skin.
Sheamus asks Big Show what where your holiday spirit.
Show says he has none.
Sheamus says he is tired of talking to him, but since he can not play ... Sheamus says that however, it can have contact with another person ...
Sheamus pushes the ladder and throws Dolph Ziggler, who hits his crotch with ropes!
Vince McMahon, Chairman of the Board of the WWE appears on Backstage!
John Cena vs. The Big Show tonight, no title shot!
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In the table of English reviews the WWE Hall of Famer Jerry "The King" Lawler, Michael Cole, Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston and U.S. Champion Antonio Cesaro.
Wade Barrett in the ring.
Mr. McMahon makes his way to the platform strutting!
Mr. McMahon received a standing ovation and great comments on the main fight tonight.
Vince asks entry RAW General Supervisor Vickie Guerrero to applaud.
Vince asks for applause, but Vickie gets boos.
McMahon says it's a great main event, but it takes two ...
Vickie does not speak, and Vince tells him what if Sheamus puts against ...
Vickie Guerrero screams the name Dolph Ziggler and Vince congratulates her for agreeing this fight!
Vince says that about a third Main Event.
Vickie smiles and says that AJ against Tamina and Natalya.
Vince says it's a good idea to have AJ, but with another rival ... Mr. McMahon smiles ...
Vickie Guerrero!
Vs AJ. Vickie Guerrero and the audience cheers!
Vince McMahon introduces R-Truth!
1). R-Truth defeated Wade Barrett.
The bell rings!
Wade quickly hit back to R-Truth and throws him out of the ring ...
Barrett punishes R-Truth back against the edge of the ring!
Wade hits the ring and R-Truth and get an account at one.
Super Nudge's chest ... R-Truth
Head kick by Barrett and coverage in two.
Illegal punishment to the nape of R-Truth with the knee in the ropes.
Padlock neck to R-Truth.
R-Truth is released, it pushes on the ropes but Barrett punishes him with a kick to the nightingale ...
Barrett raised to R-Truth, achieved escape it ... It drives on the strings, making the abdomen with forceps and Wade Barrett gets the win!
R-Truth yells at him removed Cesaro Championship Kofi Kingston and punished with Crusade Super Iron Wade Barrett!
The Usos, The Rhodes Scholars, The Prime Time Players and Primo and Epico faces in a Fatal 4-Corners Fight Team, the winner will face Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara in WWE TLC 2012!
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Backstage, Aksana tells AJ that he is very happy to fight Vickie Guerrero.
AJ Kaitlyn hugs and says he is very excited about her struggle and says he will talk to John.
AJ enters the men's dressing room and hugs chiflas John Cena before the other Superstars!
Cena says he sees him out and apologizes to his teammates.
In the ring, three couples and ready!
It's his ring entrance scholiasts the way!
Cody Rhodes makes his official return after suffering a concussion!
2). Fatal 4-Way Elimination Tag Team Match: The Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow) defeated Primo and Epico (with Rosa Mendes), The Prime Time Players (Darren Young and Titus O'Neal) and The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Use).
The bell rings!
Jimmy and epic action begin!
Epic flying kicks in for Jimmy, it reacts and punishable by electric chair for handing off to Jey.
Jey Epico pulls the air, but it gives up and falls over from Primo.
Cornerback for butting in Jey, Epico respite.
Machetazo Suplex Primo and leg for coverage in two epic!
Relay for Primo and punishes it with flying kicks Jey!
Coverage in two to Jey.
Lock the neck flush with canvas, Jey reacts with hooks, but Primo punishes him with kicks to the legs flush ...
Punishment for illegal Jey throat twice with the ropes!
Desnucadora sweeper and two for Jey coverage.
Jey kick to the chest of ...
Relay for Jimmy, Jey out of the ring and a Super Epic Iron Samoan Jimmy Primo and Epico eliminated!
Titus O'Neal unveiled a tremendous tie to Jimmy!
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The action continues ... The use eliminated Darren Young and Titus O'Neal!
Tremendous Damien hook by Jimmy!
Relay for Jey ...
Jimmy Crusher and punches to the abdomen by Jey for Damien!
Damien brakes of a kick in the face to Jey in the corner!
Relay for Cody Rhodes.
Right hands and stomping to Jey.
Relay for Damien to Jey kick to the chest.
Tremendous to nudge Jey Sandow, coverage in two!
Stomps to Jey, respite Cody ...
Hook by Cody ...
Strikes Jey Cody Rhodes!
Jimmy enters and punishable Use loop and Damien Cody, kick the nightingale!
Samoan Dive to Cody Rhodes, Jimmy Cody hits the face of the buttocks!
Damien intervenes, but Jey punishes him, although it is beaten!
Jimmy Forehand to Damien from cornerback, Heading for Rhodes, Super Iron, but Cody catches him with knees up!
Punishable with Cody Rhodes Crossroads Jimmy Use and will face this Sunday at WWE TLC with Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara to define challengers # 1 to the couple that shows Championships in KANE and Daniel Bryan!
The Rhodes Scholars embrace and celebrate in the corner.
Vs AJ. Vickie Guerrero on RAW tonight!
John Cena will face World Heavyweight Champion The Big Show, no option holder!
And Sheamus faces Dolph Ziggler!
The beautiful Divas Champion Eve Torres with Latin roots toward the ring, his opponent Alicia Fox!
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In the ring Alicia Fox is back!
Ironically enters the ring with his hand waving high the beautiful Eve Torres.
Miss Piggy on Twitter greets a diva Eve Torres, who would like to "greet with a chair shot himself in the head."
3). Non-Title Match: Eve Torres (© - WWE Divas Champion) defeated Alicia Fox
The bell rings!
Kick the abdomen to Alicia, is brought to the canvas with headlock ...
Touch back from Alicia and coverage in two!
Tackle for Alicia ...
Alicia jumps on Eve ... Taking the head with tweezers and hits the canvas!
Kick the nightingale for Alicia ...
Fox pulls Eve against the edge of the ring and gets back into the ring.
Eve Alicia Fox cry ... raises and punished with a German Suplex with Bridge Olympic Coverage in Two! ...
Kick Alicia's shoulder ... halfway around the world and breaker for coverage in two!
Knees in the corner for Eve ...
Alicia Fox is shot from the corner by Eve!
Tremendous Desnucadora Swivel and coverage in three to Eve Torres!
Eve poses with the belt on Alicia for a photographer of "WWE Magazine".
Backstage, CM Punk the WWE Champion with Paul Heyman leaning on crutches after surgery for a meniscus tear!
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Justin Roberts introduces the WWE Champion CM Punk, who comes in the company of Paul Heyman on crutches after a meniscus tear in his left knee!
CM Punk says he has called attention to some think surgery is false, a kind of maneuver to evade Ryback.
But to be believed, who gives them his word that this is 100% real and this is what happens when you work more days than others.
Shown Ryback attack CM Punk on RAW last Monday.
"FEED ME MORE!" - Korean audiences.
Paul says that he hates bad news, but that they are angry, how dare they chant "Feed Me More!" The WWE Champion.
That this is a legitimate champion, not the football team of New Jersey, and that CM Punk was not a double as The Rock and got hurt last week on RAW to cross the table.
That their champion is not complaining, not saying anything to stop evil, which stands as the great champion he is the champion with the longest reign in the last 25 years, instead of The Rock who was too busy to be in New Jersey.
The rock only appear for his title shot.
CM Punk will defend his WWE Championship against The Rock because it still reigns as "The Best in the World".
CM Punk says that for those who think it should quitted the WWE Championship, which is ridiculous, that John Cena could not remove the Championship, and The Big Show, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and many more.
And Ryback has had two chances and could not come true and Royal Rumble, The Rock will not be with him.
CM Punk says that this Sunday, anyone was home, but they will be watching The Shield, with which it is allied, seeing just worse shape Ryback.
This Sunday in Brooklyn, New York on PPV WWE TLC 2012!
6-Man TLC Match: Ryback and Hell No vs. Team. The Shield - *** You can only win by pinfall or submission ***
It recapitulates the moment where Vince McMahon ordered to fight against Vickie Guerrero AJ.
AJ Vickie Guerrero faces!
John Cena will face World Heavyweight Champion The Big Show no title shot.
Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus heading to the ring!
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Thanks to Kid Rock for "Let's Ride", one of the official themes of WWE Tribute to the Troops 2012.
Makes his entrance to the ring, from Dublin, Ireland: Sheamus!
And his opponent, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Mr. Money in the Bank 2012: Dolph Ziggler!
4). Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler (© - WWE World Heavyweight Championship Mr. Money in the Bank 2012) via Disqualification.
The bell rings!
Taking referee, Sheamus Dolph Ziggler takes cornerback ...
Powerful forehand, reacts with low kicks Sheamus ...
Demolished to Ziggler and punishment legs Ziggler left ankle.
Ziggler hits Sheamus in the left leg, which has hurt, covered in two.
Hook cornerback for Ziggler.
Ziggler kicks Sheamus in the chest ...
Tremendous loop by the Irish!
Dolph face pulls Ziggler into the corner, illegal punishment left knee with ropes.
Ziggler responds with right hands and punishes him with flying kicks ...
Rights to the neck of Sheamus, Kick to the chest.
Sheamus throws over the top rope and Dolph Ziggler falls heavily on Ringside!
Double punched Ziggler's head!
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The action is now dominated by Ziggler with unc Irish walked around his neck ...
Sheamus is now punished with clamps at the waist and neck lock.
Ziggler puts great pressure ...
Sheamus stands up and is released with two hooks, but receives a super knee, driving out of the ring.
Now gives Ziggler Sheamus hooks and right hands in the corner.
Stomp the chest by Ziggler.
Swivel Desnucadora Sheamus and ... coverage in two!
Closed padlock canvas flush with Sheamus.
Star Sheamus into the corner to face Dolph Ziggler!
Sheamus is angry, the right hands of Ziggler stops and punishes him twice with tremendous punches to the head! ...
Powerful loop in the corner! ...
Sheamus runs, but Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus dodges crashes into the corner!
Packet and coverage in two!
Tremendous Quebradora left arm and two on Sheamsu coverage!
Dolph Ziggler is launched from the corner, Sheamus intercepts it punishes him with Breaker and finished with a Vertical Suplex!
Ziggler knee to the abdomen and punishable Sheamsu 10 powerful forehands to his chest!
Suplex for Ziggler to the ring! ...
Sheamus goes up top, Ziggler moves her leg and hit in the crotch!
Forehand to Sheamus, climbs and Unblocking an exchange of right in the post.
Sheamus pushes Dolph Ziggler, it reacts and punishes with a Super Break Faces for Sheamus, but the account only gets two!
Sheamus takes the ropes, lifts Ziggler, but he escapes! ...
Sheamus Ziggler takes the ankle, making it the ropes and Sheamus kicks the knee, this knee prevents and punishes with a Tie with Breaker, but the account only gets two!
Sheamus in the middle of the ring to announce the end Ziggler!
Sheamus runs, but Dolph Ziggler leaves the ring and prevents savage kick!
Dolph Ziggler punishable by a chair in the abdomen and lost by Disqualification Sheamus!
Back chair shot to the center of the ring!
Punishable Sheamus Dolph Ziggler Irish Kick reinforced with the chair!
The beautiful faces AJ General Supervisor of RAW: Vickie Guerrero!
And John Cena faces no title shot at World Champion The Big Show!
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Backstage, Vickie Guerrero prepares for his fight, Hornswoggle appears with The Great Khali.
Khali takes arms behind Vickie and Hornswoggle her leg up to help, as it was a bit "stiff".
Vince McMahon appears ...
Vince says he thought this was a family show.
Vickie gets angry and pulls Hornswoggle and The Great Khali.
Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole go over the brutal assault on The Shield to Daniel Bryan on Friday and even appeared on SmackDown KANE, was also beaten and thrown against the table of comments.
It shows a video where Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reings, The Shield, appear from an unknown place and said that humiliated the Miz WWE Champion Randy Orton and played along to be "welcome to revenge"!
The Shield says they do not work for anyone, working for each of them, for justice in WWE - "Welcome to The Shield for justice" - In TLC, bring Tables, Ladders and Chairs ... The Shield will bring sword!
Justin Roberts gives way to Ricardo Rodriguez:
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"Woo, Woo, Woo! You Know It! "
His opponent, from Long Island: Zack Ryder!
5). Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) defeated Zack Ryder.
The bell rings!
Alberto forehand, Zack punishable flying kicks to Del Rio takes him into the corner and gets right hands gives one coverage.
Ryder forehand and back cover in one, lock the neck of Del Rio.
Zack Ryder and punishing forehand gives Del Rio with a key to the nape.
Del Rio punishable Ryder's arm with ropes ...
Break expensive for Mexican and Coverage in two!
Ryder crossed River cornerback, he boots up and gets him on the ropes, kick back and covered in two!
Punishment Ryder right arm with ropes.
Alberto del Rio punished with a suplex to Ryder for coverage in two!
Rights to the Ryder back, knee pressure and punishment to the jaw.
Hooks to the abdomen of Del Rio, reacts with his back to Quebradora coverage in two.
Kick by Alberto, jaw pressure and punishes Alberto knee Ryder's back.
Zack Ryder is driven into the ropes and Del Rio rotated to cover in two!
German Suplex with Olympic Bridge from Del Rio, coverage in two!
Alberto Machetazos launches with karate on Ryder from the corner!
Stomp and forearm to the back ...
Pressure at the back with the knee to the jaw and punishment.
Break jaws to Del Rio ... Zack Ryder out of the ring with a slingshot and Ricardo falls heavily!
Ricardo Alberto helps ...
Two loops to the neck in the middle of the ring by Ryder, he is thrown into the corner, but kicks the face of Alberto, who is sitting in the corner! ...
"Woo, Woo, Woo!"
Alberto del Rio is surprised and pulls on the ropes!
Alberto Del Rio to take with Zack Ryder Armbreaker and does pay quickly!
This Wednesday in WWE Main Event: Ryback vs. Alberto Del Rio!
Next week WWE RAW returns Active: Through the application of WWE, the WWE Universe will choose all winners Slammys Awards 2012!
The beautiful AJ heading to the ring!
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WWE Slammy Awards 2012 - On Monday only on USA Network! - The WWE Universe chooses the winners in each category!
Glance Prodential Center.
Making his entrance into the ring with bunny hopping, in your state: AJ!
Slim Jim sponsored the Tribute to the Troops 2012!
And his opponent: From El Paso, Texas, General Supervisor of RAW: Vickie Guerrero!
No referee in the center of the ring ...
Vickie yells that not correct this fight ...
Brad Maddox appears dressed as Referee!
"You Can not Wrestle!" - "You can not fight!"
6). Vickie Guerrero defeated AJ.
The bell rings!
Vickie punishable by up to AJ, who was yelling at Maddox!
Vickie punishes jumping on his neck as he presses the middle rope.
Vickie taunts and throws AJ into the mat face.
Slap for AJ.
AJ reacts and attacks against Vickie and hits the canvas!
Vickie tries to flee, but AJ whips her face against the apron and hits the ring!
AJ is going over to Vickie and gives star forehand and face into the mat.
AJ gives a right to Vickie Guerrero!
AJ Vickie cover, but Brad Maddox takes no account!
AJ complains to Brad Maddox, Vickie Guerrero punishable by a Casita with AJ and gets the win with a quick coverage of Brad Maddox!
Brad raises his hand to Vickie, who mocks his victory AJ.
AJ is very angry and Vickie Guerrero looks bad!
Reacts violently and pulls AJ chairs the scenery!
AJ disrupts the English commentary table, pulls a ladder and crazy!
AJ is a tremendous blow to Justin Roberts!
AJ runs Backstage!
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Thanks to Flo Rida for "Let It Roll", one of the Official Theme Song WWE Tribute to the Troops 2012.
Backstage, AJ is crazy!
John Cena appears to calm her is ...
John will die no matter who has defeated Vickie, you have to relax and calm.
AJ crying on the shoulder of a surprised John Cena.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
He makes his ring entrance from Ghana, Africa: The WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston!
WWE Elimination Chamber 2012 live from the New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana!
From Lucerne, Switzerland, made his entrance to the ring on WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro!
Cesaro insults saying the U.S. is a country that is all rotten and tells R-Truth is going to learn that the truth hurts.
7). Non-vs Champion Titles. Champion Match: Antonio Cesaro (© - WWE United States Champion) defeated Kofi Kingston (© - WWE Intercontinental Champion).
The bell rings!
Antonio Cesaro press with lever arm to Kofi punishes him locked invested.
Tourniquet Kofi's wrist ...
Kingston is kicked in the middle of the ring ...
Heading to Kingston.
Headlock Kingston.
Kingtons Hooks, Cesaro it tackles ...
Kofi jumps over Antonio twice and catiga with an elbow ...
Ten right hands to the head of the corner Cesaro, Kofi punished with Crusade Super Iron Forehand after!
Kingston Guillotine!
Antonio Cesaro trampling Kofi Kingston with his legs and get a cover two.
Antonio Cesaro kicks Kingston in the corner, the referee separates.
Kick to the chest for Cesaro, Kingston is lying on the mat and punished with an elbow.
Padlock pressure left arm for Kingston.
Kingston escapes Antonio, gives a low kick to the chest and two elbows, flying kicks!
Kingston is launched from the ropes with a Super Bow!
Antonio Cesaro escapes from the ring ...
Kingston chases him, but Cesaro gets to the ring, Kofi kicks him in the chest, passes over Cesaro and punishes him with a monkey jumping, Cesaro kicks him in the head!
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Cesaro is who dominates the encounter with Bear Hug, Kingston punished with a header Cesaro, slides between the legs of the Swiss ...
Cesaro with his hands raised in Kingston's neck turns it and puts it into the mat to cover in two!
Antonio Cesaro engages the abdomen to Kofi Kingston and punishes him with a Vertical Suplex giving you coverage in two!
Kick to the back of Kofi.
Mighty Breaks backbone of the Swiss!
Double stomp to the chest of Kingston, bear hug Canvas storey side.
Kofi manages to stand up and pull back into the corner to Kingsotn ...
Poke and kicked the abdomen Antonio, Kofi launches with Super Iron Cesaro's back and get coverage in two!
Cesaro Kofi avoids wheel, hits him in the back and neck with his forearm and get coverage for two!
Right and left hooks to the abdomen of Kofi in the corner ...
Kofi Kingston Sweeper punishable with Giro to Cesaro and get coverage in two Cesaro achieved after touching the rope!
Cesaro launches, eats cornerback, Kingston punishes him with kicks to the head!
Kofi Kingston is released, but Antonio Cesaro intercepts it and punishes it with a Breaker!
Antonio Cesaro punished with the neutralizer and gets the win against Kofi Kingston!
Antonio Cesaro celebrated raising the U.S. Championship.
Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow will be interviewed by The Miz in "Miz TV" below!
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Among the best games, the best sellers of 2012: "WWE'13"!
Miz appears in a white suit and welcomes "MizTV"!
The Miz introduces scholiasts the Way: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow!
Damien says that the only thing worse than having your own show are the ignorant who are put to him.
Damien asks the WWE Universe silence.
Damien says that for him is a great honor and privilege to introduce to his teammate and best friend: the new and improved Cody Rhodes.
Thank you to Damien Rhodes.
"You're welcome" replies Damien.
Rhodes tells Miz that might not know by seeing things from it on YouTube, but The Rhodes Scholars with an intellectual island is at the top ...
Miz tells Cody says he's sorry and makes fun of his mustache.
Miz says he has heard of that hug, but make them kiss, so sticking him Damien's beard, is another matter.
The Miz says that they believe they will win the Championships in body couple Hell No, without going over Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara.
Damien tells Miz that there is a good host.
Damien asked the public not asked his opinion irrelevant.
Damien asked questions to improve its future champions in pairs.
Miz asks Cody how he feels that his injury visited him and said he was in Backstage which was carrying the weight of the equipment comparing with Shawn Michaels.
Miz tells Cody that do you think that will always be in the shadow of someone, his father or his teammate.
Damien is angry with Miz and Cody tells him to calm down.
Rhodes tells Miz that has heard this before and that he did not believe in the word of someone trying to belittle Damien Sandow and leave ...
Miz tells them that if they hated it, after seeing the shorts of Damien Sandow and smell the disgusting mustache Rhodes, now called, pork and stinking.
John Cena toward the Ring!
AJ says he wants to join him in his fight, because he has helped a lot.
John says he thinks is best for him to go and she is left, not wanting anything to happen please.
AJ agrees and says he will see from Backstage.
AJ smiles.
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The Divas as Santa's helpers in a Battle Royal to elect the challenger # 1 to WWE Divas Championship in the Pre-Show for WWE TLC 2012!
It makes its entry to the table of the English reviews Mr. Money in the Bank Dolph Ziggler!
It makes its entry into the ring to cheers and jeers: Jooooohn Ceeeeenaaaa!
And his rival: World Heavyweight Champion Theeeee Biiiiiiiiiig Shooooooooow!
8). Non-Title Match Main Event: John Cena vs. The Big Show (© - WWE World Heavyweight Champion).
The bell rings!
Taking referee Show quickly takes the corner to Cena, he hits Show, but is pushed against the canvas.
"Let's Go Cena!" - "Cena Sucks".
Tremendous hook and Heading for John Cena.
The Big Show jumps and crushes with his back to John Cena in the corner!
Heading to Dinner ...
The Big Show asks the audience chanting "Cena Sucks!".
John Cena gets out of the corner, jumps on The Big Show and punishes him with a Padlock Stud!
John Cena puts great pressure and manages to pull a Show on the canvas, but he throws it into the air!
John Cena tries to elevate The Big Show, but falls to the front!
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John Cena punishable by a Super DDT The Big Show avoiding a Claw! The Big Show catches him with contralona Callejera for coverage in two!
Heading to Dinner.
Kick to the abdomen and right hands to Show ...
Flying kicks to The Big Show, Cena punishes it with tremendous Lanza, for coverage in two!
Powerful contralona for dinner.
Super Nudge to John Cena, the count of three the Dinner Shows prevents berates Scott Armstrong!
Double kick to Show's head in the corner, powerful forehand ...
The Big Show takes on John Cena in a bear hug while attempting a tackle!
The Big Show exert great pressure, but John Cena manages to topple!
John seeks an STF, but Show pushes with his legs and pulls him to fall heavily on Ringside!
Show strip barrier against John Cena!
The Big Show enters the corner at 7 ...
Show up to dinner with his right hand on his head and he hits it, enters the ring, PEO receives a powerful link!
Tremendous Stomp Show for John Cena.
The Big Show goes to the top!
The Big Show John Cena crushes! ... Coverage only reaches DOOOOS!
Brutal punches to the abdomen in the corner, referee intervenes.
Powerful header to John Cena!
The Big Show goes to the top again!
The Big Show is wool, but John Cena manages to dodge and overthrow of a tackle!
The Mighty Suplex to Big Show!
John Cena punished with "You Can not See Me!" To The Big Show!
The Big Show takes with The Claw to John Cena and punishes him with the Chokeslam for coverage in two!
The Big Show readies his Forehand!
Crouch John Cena, The Big Show lifts and punishes him with a huge Attitude Adjustment!
Seth Rollins appears and attacks John Cena, the referee sends the bell!
Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns brutally attacked John Cena!
Roman header Reigns and stomping to John Cena!
The Shield put a table into the ring!
Roman Reigns gets a chair into the ring and stomps abofotea and Dean John Cena!
A flash and heard an explosion, Team Hell not come and attack The Shiedl!
Dolph Ziggler comes in and attacks John Cena!
The Big Show also hit Show, gives a header!
Sheamsu enters the ring, and it topples over yet Dolph Ziggler!
The Big Show John Cena rises with the claw, he escapes and breaks the table with a spear with the body of John Cena!
Roman and Seth attack KANE, Daniel Ambrose!
Ryback enters the ring and The Shield are waiting!
Ryback taking a ladder and throws it over to The Shield!
Ryback brutally hits The Shield, John Cena attacks The Big Show, Kane also punishes Ambrose!
The brutal fight continues!
End of Show.
Thanks for the company.
Follow me on Twitter as: @wweofficialnew1
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