martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Paul Heyman: "If I were running the WWE, the first thing I would do is dismiss McMahon. '

 Paul Heyman was present at the program 'Mix Philadelphia' talking about the WWE and ECW.

"If I were running the WWE, the first thing I would do is dismiss McMahon."

What did CM Punk in:

"How can you look at CM Punk and see who has the 'It Factor'?.

Do not think I'm a great visionary and a genius to see something in CM Punk, I think the rest are fools the stupid ass for not seeing it.

They are blind.

In the country of the blind, the one eyed man is king. "

His best creation in ECW:

"The best creation was the public itself.

The hearing was the biggest star.

They were our best talent.

Who else would have thought of chanting the name of the enterprise '.

It was not our idea.

They did.

They fought battles for us.

We made it to broadcast on PPV on merit.

The best creation was the ECW audience. "

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