Big Show comes out and complains about his defeat in the Elimination Chamber.
The blame for their defeats Booker T for being jealous.
-Big Show vs. The Usos in a handicap match.
Big Show wins with double coverage after a double chokeslam.
Brodus Clay vs. Big Show.
Big Show gets the win with a knockout punch.
The Great Khali is the next to face the Big Show.
Big Show connects a knockout punch that sends Khali out of the ring.
-The Miz gets into the ring and takes out Big Show with a super kick.
Big Show from ringside said "you screwed up" and left.
-Brad Maddox is interviewed backstage about his work with Vickie Guerrero.
He was said to be the Bricky.
Justin Gabriel is interviewed between racks when Titus O'Neil appears.
This leads to a fight.
Gabriel defeats Titus with a 450 Splash.
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